Sign up to Call Desi voters on Election Day!
We need your help to reach as many Desi voters as possible today. Impact is calling Desi voters in 4 battleground states to ensure every voter can make it to the polls!
For first-time phonebankers, hop into this Election Day Zoom (passcode: 2024) to get you set up and trained to make calls! Check out this guide for a step-by-step walkthrough: How to make calls with OpenVPB
Election Day Phonebanks
MICHIGAN E-Day Phonebank - South Asian Voters
Call South Asian voters to help them find their polling place today!
PENNSYLVANIA E-Day Phonebank South Asian Voters
Call South Asian voters to help them find their polling place today!
GEORGIA E-Day Phonebank South Asian Voters
Call South Asian voters to help them find their polling place today!
NORTH CAROLINA E-Day Phonebank South Asian Voters
Call South Asian voters to help them find their polling place today!