A Scowl and A Smile
Revathi A Davidson
So, What’s Between a Scowl and a Smile?
If I were a visitor watching the 2024 US Presidential election as it is unfolding, I might be justified in thinking that the country’s future and its potential lies somewhere between a scowl and a smile.
On the one hand I see a picture of a nation unraveling and in despair and anger. I also see the stoking of a pessimistic future as an election strategy. What I am left with then is the impression of a country without any hope of relief from endless immiseration: a country that wears a scowl on its face!
On the other hand, I see a nation that, while wary about the future, nonetheless maintains a sense of optimism, a trait that has characterized the United States throughout its history. I also continue to see a people with deep compassion and a can-do spirit. For me, as someone who came to the US at a young age and benefited greatly from the best that this nation offers, this latter vision still holds true. After all, why do so many from around the world still want to come here? Simply put, it is to pursue a more meaningful and prosperous life and to feel pride in being American.
Personally, I find the sheer darkness of the former vision depletes the energy required to move forward. American renewal after the pandemic and a challenging economy for everyone requires a people who are united and can still smile, secure in the knowledge of a promising future and with the determination to work towards it. So, let’s ask ourselves: Do we want to vote with a scowl or a smile on November 5th? It can make all the difference!
Revathi A-Davidson is a New Mexico resident.